Dorigo Design

Fiorenzo Dorigo was born in the province of Treviso in 1953. Since 1975, while attending art studies, he has collaborated with companies in the furniture sector, taking care of their design and image. Since 1977 he has been attending the Signomega studio and joins Bruno Maria Fracarossi in the “total design” experience of the “Seabuggy” projects (selected for the Compasso d’Oro in 1979) and “Quartz” (kitchen covered in tempered glass: 1982).Enrolled in ADI, IDD (Italian Institute for Design and Disability) and freelance since 1987, he gained significant experience in the field of ecological, playful, pedagogical design; of teaching and systems and types in the furnishing contest for the home, appliances, office, community, cinema and theater, in Europe, the United States, the Far East. In 2002 and 2003 he held seminars on applied design at the University of Padua at the Institute for the Wood Industry. He currently designs for companies in the home, office and community design sector. He works in Italy in his own studio in Conegliano Veneto.

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